If you missed the opening night party at Magnetic Field on Thursday, January 10 - don't fret... you will have a few more days in which to see these photos!
But I wouldn't wait too long.... Magnetic Field is a great place to hang out and there's always great music whether its special DJ nights or just one of the bartender's iPod playlists...
Another reason not to wait too long is that all the pictures on the wall are for sale at ridiculously reasonable prices. I sold a few off the wall on Thursday - but the big movers have been the wide selection of unframed 8x10's and 5x7's in a box behind the bar. If you collect this punk rock ephemera, best get yourself down to Magnetic Field and grab some collectibles!
Punk Rock Dead of Winter exhibit at Pass Out Record Shop is also still hanging - with the small framed pictures - the Punk Rock Memento Mori as I call them - simply flying off the walls. Hurry in and get your own precious Punk Rock Collectibles while they're still there.
For a sneak peak at some of the images you can find on the walls... scroll down on this page.... and DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT the punkrockgiftshop.com for some special deals on images that will be included in the Punk Rock Dead of Winter show. It's not too good to be true... its a deal too good to pass up! Images include: The Ramones, Johnny Thunders, Stiv Bators, Jeffrey Lee Pierce, Darby Crash and many more.