Thank you, New Orleans
Louie Fest is over, with the last of the live music hitting its final note sometime on Sunday night, Feb 24... The Royal Pendletons closedthe festivities with their particular brand of rock n roll marathon.
I departed New Orleans at 7 AM Sunday, missing out on the Pendletons extravaganza, but not before getting the most out of my week in the Crescent City.
Such a warm welcome awaited, and I found New Orleans to be a city of artists who support one another in a way that no other cities artist populations do. The support from art lovers, music fans and general public was overwhelming and I am truly moved by all the shows of kindness, generosity, hospitality and interest from the warm people and wacky souls of New Orleans.
In no particular order, big love and thanks go to:
King Louie, Dustin Crops, Daphne Loney, Sarah Smith and her man Chris, Mimi and the staff at her bar including the imaginative chef, Heathcliff, Dan Tague, Andy & Terri from St Roch via California, Black Rose Band, Die Rottz, Jared Swilley, Damien & Ramona, Mr Quintron, Melvin - "an important motherfucker to know in this town," certain wage slaves at Kinko's, Miss Conduct at WTUL, JPK for diversion when I needed it, Adrienne the art school drop out for inspiration, Larry the shithead, Sugar, and finally, Robert Mache and John "Papa" Gros ( although neither of them had anything to do with Louie Fest, they had plenty to do with my New Orleans sojourn)
Louie Fest is over, but my photo exhibit is still hanging up at Mimi's in the Marigny so if you missed a chance to see it, you still can - til about the 15th of March.
Mimi's in the Marigny
2601 Royal (at Franklin)
open every day from 4 PM until you can't stand up...
Photo Exhibit is UPSTAIRS